Monday, December 14, 2009

Excited for Christmas!

This weekend I went to KC to visit family and friends. I had such a great time catching up with everyone! Kyle had to work the entire weekend, so unfortunately he wasn't able to come with me. :(
When Kyle got home from work Sunday night, the two of us went out for a late night dinner to catch up on how our weekends were! We left Roxy in the living room as we always do, and she always does fine being in there, never getting into anything.... except last night! You see, I had completely forgotten about the fact that I had put all the gifts from Grandma Marilyn under our Christmas tree before we left for dinner. Normally Roxy leaves these things alone (she really is a good little girl, she'll be on Santa's nice list this year!) Well, apparently there was one gift that just became too tempting, as she decided to unwrap it while her Mom and Dad were away at dinner! Kyle and I came home after being gone for about an hour and a half to find our little Roxy laying on the couch chewing on not one, but two raw hide bones! Wrapping paper was shredded up everywhere, bones were all over the living room, and little Roxy had a guilty look on her face. She knew she had been caught! After I had picked up all the mess, I looked at the bag the bones had come in, and it was a twenty pack, which means that our little ten pound dog ate 9 bones in 1 1/2 hours!!!! Maybe she will be on Santa's naughty list after all! :)


  1. Glad you made it over to see baby Sienna! We missed Kyle but it was great hearing how well things are going. We love you guys!

  2. that is so funny !!! I bet Roxy's little belly was as hard as a rock!! It was great
    talking to you tonight Kyle and great seeing you Hannah, gorgeous as ever! This NY adventure looks good on you 2!! love mom

  3. Hi! That is so funny about little Roxy! We are happy to hear that things are going so well for you two. I agree, NYC looks good on you two. Enjoy your time and adventure there!

    Love you both,
    Matt and Karla

  4. Thanks Matt! How are you guys doing? How fun would it be for you guys to come visit?! Hint Hint :)
